Friday, April 16, 2010

Pinot Gris vs. Pinot Grigio

Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio are actually the same white grape, with two different names. In Italy and California this wine is known as pinot grigio, while in Oregon and France it's known as pinot gris.Most pinot grigio wines are created in Italy.

The Italian version of pinot grigio is typically dry (not sweet) and light, with a mineral taste to it. Californian variants of pinot grigio tend to be richer in flavor, but still have the mineral taste. Often, they finish with a lemony or citrusy flavor.

French & Oregon pinot gris wines are more fruity and flowery than their Italian counterparts, though they still have that mineral aroma. Flavors can range from peach to grapefruit to melon.

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